Announcement to All Presenters
Invitation to RMPP and PFR



Plenary and Invited speakers are encouraged to submit review article to
RMPP (Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics) AAPPS-DPP official journal,

Submit your 1 page abstract (if not different from AAPPS-DPP 2018) by Dec. 1
to Chairman of RMPP (

 1) No page charge
 2) After reviewing 1 page abstract, notification (invite or no invite) will be sent.
 3) Published author will be given 100$ Springer book voucher.,+molecular,+optical+&+plasma+physics/journal/416


All speakers are encouraged to submit one’s original work to PFR
(Plasma and Fusion Research).

1) The first author of the proceedings original paper is expected to be the same as the
  first author on the presentation at the conference.
2) The submission fee and the reprint fee are NOT included in the registration fee.
3) Please submit the article through the web.

   You can download the submission form and copy right here.
       Submission Form and Copy Right

4) Maximum number of pages are as follows:
  Plenary/Invited/Oral: 8 pages, Poster: 4 pages
5) The submission deadline is Dec. 31.
6) Publication charge is shown in the following page.
  The author is requested to pay publication charge of ¥3,000 Japanese Yen
  per article plus ¥5,000 Japanese Yen per page.
  For an article that exceeds 11 journal pages, a mandatory page charge of ¥10,000
  Japanese Yen will be added for each page in excess of 11 pages.

  If you have any question, please contact Shiratani