Plenary Sessions
Nov. 13 8:30-10:00 [Main Hall]
Chair: Kenichi Nagaoka

Opening address from NIFS DG
Zensho Yoshida National Institute for Fusion Science
Opening address from AAPPS-DPP Chair
Abhijit Sen Institute for Plasma Research
Opening address from AAPPS-DPP CEO
Mitsuru Kikuchi AAPPS-DPP, Osaka University
U30 award ceremony
Kunioki Mima Osaka University
U40 award ceremony
Katsumi Ida National Institute for Fusion Science, Chandrasekhar Laureate
PIP prize ceremony
Rajdeep Rawat Nanchan Technological University
Chandrasekhar prize ceremony
Rajaraman Ganesh Institute for Plasma Research
Invitation to AAPPS-DPP2024 (Malacca)
TeckYong Tou Malaysian Institute of PhysicsPlenary-1
Nov. 13 10:30-13:00 [Main Hall]
Chairs: R. Ganesh, R. Rawat, Y. Feng, K. Mima, JM. Kwon

PL-1 (30min)(30min)
Experimental discoveries of a variety of turbulent states of magnetic fusion plasma
Katsumi Ida(MF) National Institute for Fusion Science, Chandrasekhar Laureate
PL-2 (30min)(30min)
Thermal Plasma Generation for Innovative Materials Processing
Takayuki Watanabe(A) Kyushu University, Plasma Innovation Laureate
PL-3 (30min)(30min)
Multi-scale cooperative micro-motion and structural rearrangements in cold dusty plasma liquids
Lin I(B) National Central University
PL-4 (30min)(30min)
40 years of science on ICF: Conception to Scientific Breakeven on the NIF
Mike Campbell presented by John Edward(L) Laboratory for Laser Energet
PL-5 (30min)(30min)
Long-Pulse High Performance Plasmas towards ITER and CFETR Steady-State Operation in EAST
Bin Zhang(MF) Institute of Plasma Physics, CASPlenary-2
Nov. 14 8:30-10:30 [Main Hall]
Chairs: R. Matsumoto, TH. Watanabe, P. Diamond, P.J. Morrison

PL-6 (30min)(30min)
Outflow from black hole accretion flows
Feng Yuan(SA) Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
PL-7 (30min)(30min)
Vlasov simulation in 6-dimensional phase space for cosmological neutrinos and its application to astrophysical magnetized plasma
Kohji Yoshikawa(B) University of Tsukuba
PL-8 (30min)(30min)
Elastic and Binary-fluid Turbulence: An overview
Rahul Pandit(CD) Indian Institute of Science, Bagalore
PL-9 (30min)(30min)
Innovations in high-fidelity magnetohydrodynamic modelling for advanced stellarators
Adelle Wright(F) Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryPlenary-3
Nov. 14 11:00-13:00 [Main Hall]
Chairs: K. Nagaoka, T. Yamada, F. Waelbloeck, P. Yoon

PL-10 (30min)(30min)
Non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions in magnetized fusion plasmas
Gerardo Giruzzi(OS) CEA
PL-11 (30min)(30min)
Introduction to SESRI-SPERF, Fundamental Design and Research
Qiuyue Nie(B) Harbin Institute of Technology
PL-12 (30min)(30min)
Mixed hydrogen-neon pellet injection in toroidal plasmas – theory and observation
Akinobu Matsuyama(MF) Kyoto University
PL-13 (30min)(30min)
A New Ion beam Instability and Radio Emission Driven by Shocks
Iver Cairns(SG) University of SydneyPlenary-4
Nov. 15 8:30-10:30 [Main Hall]
Chairs: M. Shiratani, Y. Omura, W. Heidbrink, H. Suk

PL-14 (30min)(30min)
Booming Low-temperature Plasma Sciences for a Creation of New Value
Masaru Hori(A) Nagoya University
PL-15 (30min)(30min)
The lunar tide observed in Earth’s magnetosphere
Quanqi Shi(SG) Shandong University
PL-16 (30min)(30min)
Crossover of Space Exploration and Fusion Research: Spacecraft Heat Shields and Meteoroids in the DIII-D tokamak.
Dmitri Orlov(OS) University of California, San Diego
PL-17 (30min)(30min)
Nonlinear Compton Scattering between a Laser-Accelerated multi-GeV Electron Beam and an Ultrahigh Intensity Laser
Chang Hee Nam(L) Gwangju Institute of Science and TechnologyPlenary-5
Nov. 15 11:00-13:00 [Main Hall]
Chairs: H. Yamada, B. Schmieder, W. Choe, MJ. Choi

PL-18 (30min)(30min)
Detachment and scrape-off layer radial transport characterization in Negative Triangularity discharges in DIII-D
Filippo Scotti(MF) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
PL-19 (30min)(30min)
Understanding the universal heating mechanism of solar and stellar atmospheres
Shin Toriumi(SA) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
PL-20 (30min)(30min)
A reflection on rational design of catalysts for non-thermal plasma (NTP) catalysis
Xiaolei Fan(A) The University of Manchester
PL-21 (30min)(30min)
Information Geometry Analysis of H-mode transitions
Yasmin Andrew(CD) Imperial College LondonPlenary-6
Nov. 16 8:30-10:30 [Main Hall]
Chairs: JL. Han, W. Wang, P. Yoon, C. Sung

PL-22 (30min)(30min)
Shock Waves in the Hot Plasma of Galaxy Clusters
Dongsu Ryu(SA) Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
PL-23 (30min)(30min)
Femtosecond time-resolved dynamics of fast electrons in relativistic laser-foil interactions
Yutong Li(L) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
PL-24 (30min)(30min)
Generation of Kinetic Alfven Waves in the magnetosphere
Satyavir Singh(SG) Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
PL-25 (30min)(30min)
Overview of KSTAR research towards DEMO
Jayhyun Kim(MF) Korea Institute of Fusion EnergyPlenary-7
Nov. 16 11:00-12:30 [Main Hall]
Chairs: TS. Hahm, A. Chian, T. Shao, YD. Yoon

PL-26 (30min)(30min)
Band structure formation in rotating systems
Shin-ichi Takehiro(CD) Kyoto University
PL-27 (30min)(30min)
Magnetic reconnection: From compact fusion to plasma propulsion
Fatima Ebrahimi(F) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
PL-28 (30min)(30min) Plasma potential fluctuations in cold micro-plasma jets : interactive surface
Sudeep Bhattacharjee(A) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Plasma potential fluctuations in cold micro-plasma jets : interactive surface
feedback effects on reactive species generation
Sudeep Bhattacharjee(A) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Plenary-8
Nov. 17 8:30-10:30 [Main Hall]
Chairs: Y. Omura, T. Shao, C. Sung, I. Murakami

PL-30 (30min)(30min)
Effects of heliospheric boundary in the behaviors of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays
Shuichi Matsukiyo(SG) Kyushu University
PL-31 (30min)(30min)
Electrical arc behavior, controlling and their applications in switchgear
Yi Wu(A) Xi'an Jiaotong University
PL-32 (30min)(30min)
Stochastization effects in magnetized 3D plasmas
Alexander Knieps(OS) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
PL-33 (30min)(30min)
Collisional-radiative modeling for plasma population kinetics and spectroscopy
Yuri Ralchenko(B) National Institute of Standards and TechnologyPlenary-9
Nov. 17 11:00-13:00 [Main Hall]
Chairs: K. Itoh, S. Fujioka, R.L. Dewar, JL. Han

PL-34 (30min)(30min)
Non-equilibrium Turbulence Effect on Plumes
Nobumitsu Yokoi(CD) The University of Tokyo
PL-35 (30min)(30min) Observation of carrier-envelope phase effects in a high-repetition
Jerome Faure(L) Ecole Polytechnique
Observation of carrier-envelope phase effects in a high-repetition
rate laser-plasma accelerator
Jerome Faure(L) Ecole Polytechnique 
PL-36 (30min)(30min)
The metriplectic 4-bracket: An inclusive framework for consistently joining Hamiltonian and dissipative systems
Philip Morrison(F) University of Texas at Austin
PL-37 (30min)(30min)
Compressible MHD turbulence and Cosmic Ray transport
Huirong Yan(SA) Universität PotsdamPlenary-10
Nov. 17 16:30-18:30 [Main Hall]
Chairs: R.Pandit, F. Zonca, A. Sen, M. Kikuchi

PL-38 (30min)(30min)
Statistical and structural properties of Hall MHD turbulence
Hideaki Miura(F) National Institute for Fusion Science
PL-39 (30min)(30min)
JT-60SA Status and advances towards the initial operational phases
Jeronimo Garcia(MF) CEA
Poster Prize
Richard Sydora University of Alberta