     Division of Plasma Physics         
     Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
      AAPPS Bulletin    


Chairman's Message  Bylaws  History  Minutes  Committees

 Dr./Prof. Mitsuru Kikuchi
Supreme Researcher, 
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chinese Academy of Science Visiting Professor, Guest Prof. Osaka University, Visiting Prof. Fudan University& South Western Institute of Physics
 Message from Mr. Chairman  

   AAPPS (Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies) is formed for the promotion of the advancement of knowledge in physics in 1990. Asia Pacific Region is growing rapidly in both economically and scientifically.  But the scientific organization in this region still has large room for improvement. To this end, AAPPS is an important opportunity for the physicists and engineering scientists similar to American Physical Society (APS) and European Physical Society (EPS).
   AAPPS president (2011-2013) Prof. S. Nagamiya encouraged us to form the division of plasma physics at the occasion of APPC-12 in 2013, held at Makuhari, Japan. I am very pleased that the division of plasma physics (AAPPS-DPP) is the first division under the AAPPS. I strongly appreciate all founders of DPP in support of this movement, especially Prof. M. Sasao (PC chair of APPC-12).
   The plasma physics is a common basis to understand plasma behaviors for the cosmologies, the astrophysics, the solar physics, the space physics, the earth dynamo, the accelerator physics, the high intensity laser plasma science, magnetic and inertial confinement fusion plasma, and its engineering applications such as plasma processing, plasma medicine, plasma propulsion.
  I am hoping DPP can be an important society for the scientific research and the interdisciplinary research in and among various application fields of plasma physics and also for developing fundamental and basic plasma physics. Last but not least message is that we will have a successful DPP program at the next APPC conference in Australia. 

February, 2014
Mitsuru Kikuchi
Chairman, Division of Plasma Physics, AAPPS
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