Dear AAPPS-DPP members I am pleased to inform you that official DPP’s journal is coming close. The name of the journal is “Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics” specialized for plasma physics aiming at highest impact factor in our field. This is E-journal. It is the review journal (not for original article) which covers three categories, i.s. Chandrasekhar lecture (for S. Chandrasekhar prize laureates), Review paper and Tutorial. The Chief Editors are Profs TS. Hahm, R. Boswell, Yi-Kang Pu, K. Mima, Yu Lin, K. Shibata for fundamental, basic, applied, laser, space, solar/astro plasmas, respectively. Springer Nature provided RMPP flyer. HP will open from July 1 ready for submission. The publication will start hopefully from January , 2017. We have many committed authors including S. Chandrasekhar prize laureates of plasma physics such as Prof. S. Ichimaru, Prof. P. Kaw, and Prof. D. Melrose. We also have number of committed authors to be announced at appropriate time. If you have particular proposal, you may send the proposal to me. We recommend Latex but can also accept word format. Typical length of paper is 30 pages but not limited since this is E-journal. There is no page charge but the authors can get US 100$ book voucher (only for Springer book) up to 35 authors annually. Sincerely yours, June 23, 2016 M. Kikuchi, DPP chair |