     Division of Plasma Physics         
     Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
      AAPPS Bulletin    

U30 Scientist and Student Award

2024 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Basic ]
Hao-Wei Hu
University of Glasgow/ National Central University

Citation: For the significant contribution in multiscale coherent excitations in microscopic acoustic wave turbulence of cold dusty plasma liquids.
2024 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Laser ]
Linzheng Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Citation: For the significant contribution in the generation of milli-joule terahertz radiation by laser wake fields in nonuniform plasmas.
2024 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Laser ]
Shiyu Zhou
Tsinghua University

Citation: For the significant contribution in high efficiency uniform wakefield acceleration of a positron beam using stable asymmetric mode in a hollow channel plasma.
2024 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Space ]
Shimou Wang
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Citation: For the significant contribution in direct evidence of secondary reconnection inside filamentary currents of magnetic flux ropes during magnetic reconnection.
2024 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Solar&Astro ]
Jinhan Guo
Nanjing University/ KU Leuven

Citation: For the significant contribution in thermodynamic and magnetic topology evolution of the X1.0 flare on 2021 October 28 simulated by a data-driven radiative magneto-hydrodynamic model.
2024 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Magnetic Fusion]
Haowei Zhang
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics /Zhejiang University

Citation: For the significant contribution in zonal flow generation and toroidal Alfven eigenmode excitation due to tearing mode induced energetic particle redistribution.
2023 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Basic ]
Swarnima Singh
Institute for Plasma Research

Citation: For the significant contribution on "Demonstrating formation of square lattice in a monodisperse complex plasma"
Main paper: Swarnima Singh, et al, Square Lattice Formation in a Monodisperse Complex Plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022
2023 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Laser ]
Masato Ota
National Institute for Fusion Science

Citation:For the significant contribution on "Ultra-fast visualization of electric fields around a relativistic electron bunch"
Main paper: Masato Ota, et al., Ultrafast visualization of an electric field under the Lorentz transformation, Nature Physics (2022)
2023 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Space ]
Zhi-Yang Liu
Peking University

Citation: For the significant contribution on "New findings on multiscale wave-ion interaction in near-earth space plasmas"
Main paper: Z.-Y. Liu ,et al., Simultaneous macroscale and microscale wave-ion interaction in near-earth space plasmas, Nature com (2022)
2023 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Solar&Astro ]
Yajie Chen
MPS/Peking University
Citation: For the significant contribution to "the understanding of small-scale reconnection events in the solar atmosphere"
Main paper: Yajie Chen, et al, Transient small-scale brightenings in the quiet solar corona: A model for campfires observed with Solar Orbiter, Astronomy &Astrophysics (2021)
2023 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Magnetic Fusion ]
Yi Zhang
Southwestern Institute of Physics
Citation: For the significant contribution on "Finding effects of curvature of radial electric field on edge magnetohydrodynamics mode in toroidal plasmas"
Main paper: Y. Zhang, et al., Curvature of Radial Electric Field Aggravates Edge Magnetohydrodynamics Mode in Toroidally Confined Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020)
2023 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Magnetic Fusion ]
Jaemin Seo
Chung-Ang University
Citation: For the significant contribution on "Finding a new-type of self-generated current in magnetized plasmas"
Main paper: Yong-Su Na, Jaemin Seo, et al, Observation of a new type of self-generated current in magnetized plasmas, Nature com(2022)
2022 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Basic ]
Young Dae Yoon
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
Citation: For the significant contribution on physics of collision-less relaxation of current sheet
Main paper:Young Dae Yoon, G.S. Yun, et al., Collisionless relaxation of a disequilibrated current sheet and implications for bifurcated structures, Nature-com. (2021)
2022 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Laser ]
Ke Feng

Citation: For the significant contribution on the development of X-FEL based upon laser wake field accelerator
Main paper:Wentao Wang, Ke Feng, et al., Free electron lasing at 27 nanometres based on a laser wakefield accelerator, Nature(2021)
2022 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Laser ]
Jie Feng
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Citation: For the significant contribution on nuclear physics based upon ultra-intense laser plasmas
Main paper: Jie Feng, Wenzhao Wang, et al., Femtosecond Pumping of Nuclear Isomeric States by the Coulomb Collision of Ions with Quivering Electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2022)
2022 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Space & Geomagnetism ]
Li Li
Peking University

Citation: For the significant contribution on physics of magnetospheric nonlinear wave phenomena
Main paper: Li Li, Yoshiharu Omura, et al. Roles of Magnetospheric Convection on Nonlinear Drift Resonance Between Electrons and ULFWaves, JGR Space Physics (2020)
2022 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Solar&Astro ]
Kosuke Namekata
Citation: For the significant contribution on detection of super-flare and filament eruption of a solar-type star
Main paper: Kosuke Namekata, Hiroyuki Maehara, et al., Probable detection of an eruptive filament from a superflare on a solar-type star, Nature Astronomy(2021)
2022 U30
Doctoral Scientist / Student Award
[ Magnetic Fusion ]
Ting Long

Citation: For the significant contribution on physics of particle-transport-physics near the density limit of tokamak plasmas
Main paper: Ting Long, P.H. Diamond, et al. , Enhanced particle transport events approaching the density limit of the J-TEXT tokamak, Nucl. Fusion(2021)
2021 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Riddhi Bandyopadhyay
Citation: For his significant contribution on the finite dissipation in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Main paper: Riddhi Bandyopadhyay, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, et al., In Situ Observation of Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Cascade in Space Plasma, PRL(2020)
2021 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Kento Katagiri
Citation: For his contribution on understanding warm dense matter by the work on shock response of full density nano-polycrystalline diamond
Main paper: Kento Katagiri,Norimasa Ozaki, et al., Shock Response of Full Density Nanopolycrystalline Diamond, PRL(2020)
2021 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Honghong Wu
Citation: For the significant contribution on plasma physics by discovering low-frequency sweeping process in the slow solar wind with the measurement of Parker Solar Probe
Main paper: Honghong Wu, Chuanyi Tu, et al., Energy Supply for Heating the Slow Solar Wind Observed by Parker Solar Probe between 0.17 and 0.7 au, APJ Letters(20
2021 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Munehito Shoda
Citation: For his significant contribution on the role of the Alfven wave turbulence for the acceleration and heating of the fast solar wind
Main paper: Munehito Shoda, Takeru Ken Suzuki, et al., Three-dimensional Simulation of the Fast Solar Wind Driven by Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence,
2021 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Sang Kyeun Kim
Citation: For the Improvement of a non-linear 3D MHD code and the applications to the KSTAR tokamak experiments on the 3D field and non-linear MHD mode coupling
Main paper: S.K. Kim, S. Pamela,et al., Nonlinear modeling of the effect of n = 2 resonant magnetic field perturbation on peeling-ballooning modes in KSTAR, NF(2020)
2021 U30
Guanqi Dong
Citation: For his significant contribution for the deep physics understanding of the critical element toward the ELM-free H-mode operations of tokamak
Main paper: G.Q. Dong, Y.Q. Liu , et al., MARS-Q modeling of kink-peeling instabilities in DIII-D QH-mode plasma, NF(2021)
2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Tingyu Gou
Research on the physics of solar flare and coronal mass ejection
Main paper: Tingyu Gou, R. Liu, et al., R., The birth of a coronal mass ejection, Science advances (2019)
 2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Zheng Gong
Research on gamma photon emission and radiation reaction effect in laser plasma interaction
Main paper: Zheng Gong, F. Mackenroth,et al., Radiation reaction as an energy enhancement mechanism for laser irradiated electrons in a strong plasma magnetic field, Scientific Reports (2019)
 2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Yuxue Zhang
Research on physics of intense attosecond pulse generation in intense laser plasma interactions
Main paper: Yuxue Zhang, S. Rykovanov, et al., Giant Isolated Attosecond Pulses from Two-Color Laser-Plasma Interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020)
 2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Xing-Long Zhu
Research on the physics of laser wake field acceleration and high energy gamma-ray generation
Main paper: Xing-Long Zhu, Min Chen, et al., Extremely brilliant GeV g-rays from a two-stage laser-plasma accelerator, Science advances (2020)
 2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
  Po-Cheng Lin 
Research on the physics of generation of multiscale acoustic vortices in dust acoustic wave turbulence
Main paper: Po-Cheng Lin, Weng-Ji Chen, Lin I, Percolating transition to acoustic wave turbulence in dusty plasmas, Phys. Plasmas (2020)
 2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Prasun Dhang
Research on numerical study of MRI and dynamo in accretion flows
Main paper: Prasun Dhang, A. Bendre, et al., Characterizing the dynamo in a radiatively inefficient accretion flow, MNRAS (2020)
 2020 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Guoliang Xiao 
Research on the simulation code development of MFE plasma turbulence and controlling control ELM in Tokamak
Main paper: Guoliang Xiao, W.L. Zhong, et al., Turbulence regulation with radial wavenumber spectral shift caused by externally driven E x B velocity shear during edge-localized mode mitigation, Nucl. Fusion (2019)
2019 U30
Scientist and Student Award 
Sudip Mandal
For the significant contribution in Understanding of various properties of propagating slow magneto-acoustic waves in hot coronal loops.
Main Paper: Sudip Mandal, Ding Yuan, et al., Reflection Of Propagating Slow Magneto-acoustic Waves In Hot Coronal Loops: Multiinstrument Observations and Numerical Modelling, Astro Physical Journal (2016)
2019 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Xiaofei Shen
For the significant contribution in Understanding the stabilization dynamics of laser-driven radiation pressure acceleration of ions.
Main Paper: Xiaofei Shen, B. Qiao, et al., Achieving Stable Radiation Pressure Acceleration of Heavy Ions via Successive Electron Replenishment from Ionization of a High-Z Material Coating, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2017)
2019 U30
Scientist and Student Award
  Zhisong Qu
For the significant contribution in Energetic Geodesic Acoustic Modes Associated with Two-Stream-like Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas.
Main Paper: Zhisong Qu, M. Hole, M. Fitzgerald, Energetic Geodesic Acoustic Modes Associated with Two-Stream-like Instabilities in Tokamak Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett.
2019 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Masahiro Yano
For the significant contribution in Possibility for observing Hawking-like effects via the interaction of multi-PW class laser pulses with under dense plasmas.
Main Paper:Masahiro Yano, Alexei Zhidkov, et al., Possibility for observing Hawking-like effects via the interaction of multi-PW class laser pulses with underdense plasmas, Phys. Plasmas (2018)
2019 U30
Scientist and Student Award
  Rupak Mukherjee
For the significant contribution in Recurrence in three dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic plasma.
Main Paper: Rupak Mukherjee, R. Ganesh, A. Sen, Recurrence in three dimensional magneto hydrodynamic plasma, Phys. Plasmas (2019)
2019 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Weixin Guo
For the significant contribution in Impurity transport driven by parallel velocity shear turbulence in hydrogen isotope plasmas.
Main Paper: Weixin Guo, Lu Wang*, Ge Zhuang, Impurity transport driven by parallel velocity shear turbulence in hydrogen isotope plasmas, Nucl. Fusion (2019)
2018 U30
Scientist and Student Award 
Naoki Sato
For pioneering work to construct the statistical theory of topologically constrained systems by determining the geometric conditions under which a generalized form of the H-theorem can be satisfied. The achievement is highly evaluated by the 2018 Award committee.
Main paper: N. Sato, Z. Yoshida, Diffusion with finite-helicity field tensor: A mechanism of generating heterogeneity, Phys. Rev. E(2018)
2018 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Matt Thompson
For pioneering work in the application of Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering to the study of fusion materials to quantify sub-surface bubble formation and determine how this influences material properties. The achievement is highly evaluated by the 2018 Award committee
Main paper: M. Thompson, P. Kluth, et al., Probing helium nano-bubble formation in tungsten with grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering, Nucl. Fusion (2015)
2018 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Gopal Hazra
For significant contribution to theoretical understanding of the solar meridional circulation, the plasma flow and dynamo process inside the Sun,and its relation with the 11-year sunspot cycle. The achievement is highly evaluated by the 2018 Award committee.
Main paper: Gopal Hazra, A.R. Choudhuri, A theoretical model of the variation of the meridional circulation with the solar cycle, MNRAS (2017)
2018 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Zhelin Zhang
For outstanding work in theory and experiment on generation and controlof strong terahertz radiation from air plasmas which areproduced by two-colorlasers. The achievement is highly evaluated by the 2018 Award committee.
Main paper: Zhelin Zhang, Y. Chen, et. al., Manipulation of polarizations for broadband terahertz waves emitted from laser plasma filaments, Nature Photonics (2018)
2018 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Tobias Dornheim
For inventing the permutation blocking path integral Monte Carlo method for the ab initio simulation of warm dense electron gasand constructing the key ingredient in warm dense matter physics. The achievement is highly evaluated by the 2018 Award committee.
Main paper: Tobias Dornheim, S. Groth, et al., Ab Initio Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation of the Warm Dense Electron Gas in the Thermodynamic Limit, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2016)
2018 U30
Scientist and Student Award
Laishram Modhuchandra Singh
For outstanding theoretical and numerical works on vortex characteristics of steady state multiple vortices observed in dusty plasma experiments and relevant driven-dissipative natural flows. The achievement is highly evaluated by the 2018 Award committee.
Main paper: Modhuchandra Laishram, D. Sharma, P.K. Kaw, Analytic structure of a drag-driven confined dust vortex flow in plasma, Phys. Rev. E (2015)