     Division of Plasma Physics         
     Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
      AAPPS Bulletin    


 Earlier data of governance (2017-Nov. 2018) Bylaws History Chairman's Message

 Bylaws (For private organization before November 28, 2018)
Article 1: Name
This Division of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies shall be called the Division of Plasma Physics. Its abbreviation shall be AAPPS-DPP.
Article 2: Objective
The objective of the Division shall be the advancement and dissemination of the knowledge, understanding and applications of plasmas of natural and laboratory origin.
Article 3: Membership
Members of the Division shall consist of Scientists wishing to have membership of this division subject to recommendation by a members (initially core member). Member shall be responsible to inform one’s name, affiliation, E-mail address to the secretary of the Division Secretary. Division Membership may be removed in case of one’s request or loss of long-term communication or one’s misconduct judged by the Executive Committee. 
Article 4: Executive Committee

4.1 Governance
The Division shall be governed by an Executive Committee (hereafter called EXCO), which shall have general charge of the affairs of the Division.
4.2 Composition of EXCO
The EXCO shall consist of the Division Officers and the EXCO secretary.
4.3 EXCO meeting
EXCO shall have the EXCO meeting at least once a year, either by face or by other means including E-mail. At the APPC, EXCO shall have the face-to-face EXCO meeting.
4.4 Role of EXCO Secretary
The EXCO secretary shall arrange the EXCO meeting and minutes of the EXCO meeting.
Article 5: Division Officers
5.1 Officers of the Division
The Officers of the Division are the Chair, Vice Chairs, and Division Secretaries.
5.2 Terms of Division Officers
The term of Division Officers is 3 years with possible extensions if one’s role as a Division Officer is changed. 5.3 Duties of the Chair
The Chair shall represent the Division and shall chair the EXCO meeting.
5.4 Vice Chairs
5.4.1 Number of Vice Chairs
There shall be at least six Vice Chairs, which will be responsible for the major subjects of this Division, i.e. 1) Fundamental plasma physics, 2) Basic Plasma Physics, 3) Applied Plasma Physics, 4) High intensity laser plasma science, 5) Space, solar and astro plasmas. 6) Local arrangement of next APPC and the general matter of Division. Number of the Vice Chair is subject to the progress of the Division.
5.4.2 Duties of the Vice Chairs
- Each Vice Chair in charge of each subject shall be responsible for matters in each major subject. - The Vice Chair in charge of the next APPC shall be responsible for the local arrangement of the next APPC session and the communication to the local organizing committee.
5.5 Division Secretaries
These shall be at least two Division Secretaries, Chief Division Secretary and Division Secretary for General Affair. Division Secretaries shall be responsible for the membership management, information dissemination to the Division members and other matters as necessary.
Article 6: Standing Committees
1.   Honorary Advisory Committee
The Division Chair may form an honorary advisory committee, which may consist of distinguished scientists in the fields and former division chairs related to this Division for advice to the Division management.
2.   Program Committee
The Program Committee shall be responsible for the plasma science program for the APPC meeting.

3.  Other Standing Committees 
ExCo may form necessary standing committees as necessary.

 History        Return to Top

Division of Plasma Physics is first division under Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies established in 2014. The first elected Chair is Dr./Prof. Mitsuru Kikuchi from Japan.
APPC-12 in July 14-19 hosted by AAPPS, JPS, JSAP is a successful physics conference having 1290 participants among which > 300 are from plasma sciences. Plasma science program (D) in APPC-12/ASEPS consists of (D1) Plasma Physics, (D2) Plasma Processing, (D3) High Intensity Laser Plasma Science, and (D4) Space, Solar and Astro Plasmas. In the APPC-12/ASEPS, we had 4 plenary speakers, 41 invited speakers, 46 oral speakers, and 215 poster presentations. In total, 306 presentations were made. Every morning, we had more than 50 poster papers and the intensive discussions are made during the presentation (Fig.1). In every afternoon, we have two parallel oral sessions, where 41 invited talks and 46 oral talks were given, which included summary talks in 4 areas (D1, D2, D3, D4). We appreciate all plenary, invited, oral, poster participants for their excellent contributions. We especially appreciate enormous efforts made by the summary speakers to collect important works. In this sense, we believe that the plasma science program in APPC-12/ASEPS is a great success. In order to sustain and to enhance such scientific activities, it is effective to establish a Plasma Physics Division under the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS). Thus, we propose to the APPS President to establish the Plasma Physics Division in accordance with the Bylaws for AAPPS Divisions
This proposal to create Division of Plasma Physics under AAPPS is discussed at the AAPPS council meeting on January 20 at Taipei and approved.

 Founders of this division
 The Physical Society of Japan and The Japan Society of Applied Physics:
[1] Prof. Yasuaki Kishimoto, Director of the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
[2] Prof. Osamu Ishihara, ex-Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
[3] Prof. Zensho Yoshida, Department of Advanced Energy, the University of Tokyo
[4] Prof. Yasushi Ono, Department of Advanced Energy, the University of Tokyo
[5] Prof. Akira Ando, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
[6] Prof. Teruo Saito, Director of FIR Center, Fukui University
[7] Prof. Akihide Fujisawa, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
[8] Prof. Tomohiko Watanabe, National Institute of Fusion Science, NINS
[9] A/Prof. Kenichi Nagaoka, National Institute of Fusion Science, NINS
[10] A/Prof. Makoto Furukawa, Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University
[11] Em Prof. M. Sasao, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University/ Doshisha University
[12] Prof. Masaharu Shiratani, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
[13] Prof. Toshiro Kaneko, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
[14] Prof. Satoshi Hamaguchi, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka
[15] Em Prof Kunioki Mima, Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka
[16] Prof. Hideaki Takabe, Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka
[17] Prof. Kazuo A. Tanaka, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka
[18] Prof. Kazunari Shibata, Director of Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University
[19] Prof. Ryoji Matsumoto, Department of Physics, Chiba University
[20] Prof. Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Department of Physics, Nagoya University
[21] Prof. Toru Hada, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science, Kyushu University

[22] Prof. Masato Nakamura, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA
[23] Prof. Masahiro Hoshino, Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo
[24] Dr./Prof. Mitsuru Kikuchi, Supreme Researcher, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chinese Academy of Science Visiting Professor, Guest Prof. Osaka University, Visiting Prof. Fudan University& South Western Institute of Physics
The Chinese Physical Society:
1] Prof. Liu Chen,
Director, Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation, ZheJiang University / Em. Above scale Prof. UC Irvine, USA.
[2] Prof. Xiao gang Wang, Director, Center for Fusion Simulation, Department of physics, Peking University
[3] Prof. Zhihong Lin, Department of Physics, UC Irvine, USA/ Department of Physics, Peking University.
[4] Prof. Yaming Zou, Director, Modern Physics Institute, Fudan University.
[5] Prof. Zhe Gao, Head of SUNIST Laboratory, Department of Engineering Science, Tsinghua University
[6] Prof. Xuru Duan, Director of Center for Fusion Science, South Western Institute of Physics.
[7] Prof. J.Q. Dong, Center for Fusion Science, South Western Institute of Physics.
[8] Prof. Xuantong Ding, Center for Fusion Science, South Western Institute of Physics
[9] Prof. Baonian Wan, Deputy Director, Institute of plasma physics, Chinese Academy of Science.
[10] Prof. Nong Xiang, Head of Theory division, Institute of plasma physics, Chinese Academy of Science
[11] Prof. G.S. Xu, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science.
[12] Prof. Wandong Liu, Executive Dean, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China
[13] Prof. Jian Zheng, Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
[14] Prof. Shaojie Wang, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
[15] Prof. Weixing Ding, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
[16] Prof. Yu Lin, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Science, University of Science and Technology of China
[17] Prof. Ge Zhuang, School of Electrical & Electronic engineering, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology[18] Dr. Anle Lei, Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma, Shanghai
[19] Prof. Yutong Li, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[20] Prof. Liming Chen, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[21] Dr. Xin Lu, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
[22] Dr. Weimin Wang, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Australian Institute of Physics:
[1] Prof Geoffrey Bicknell, Australian National University, Professor of Astrophysics
[2] Em. Prof. Rod Boswell, Australian National University
[3] Prof. Christine Charles, Australian National University, Head Space Plasma, Power and Propulsion Division
[4] Prof. John Howard, Australian National University, Head, Plasma Research Laboratory
[5] Prof. Iver Cairns, University of Sydney
[6] Prof. Dmitry Fursa, Professor & ARC Future Fellow, Department of Imaging and Applied Physics,Curtin University
[7] Em. Prof. Robert Dewar, Australian National University
[8] A/Prof. B. Blackwell, Australian National University, Director, Australian Plasma Fusion Research Facility
[9] Honorary Associate Professor Brian James, University of Sydney
[10] A/Prof. Matthew Hole, Australian National University, ARC Future Fellow and Chair, Australian ITER Forum
[11] Dr Cormac Corr, Australian National University, ARC Future Fellow
The Korean Physical Society:
1] Moohyun Cho, Professor, Dept of Advanced Nuclear Engineering (adjunct, Department of Physics), POSTECH

[2] Wonho Choe, Professor, Dept of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
[3] Taik Soo Hahm, Professor, Dept of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University
[4] Bong Guen HONG, Professor, Dept of Quantum System Engineering, Chonbuk National University
[5] Yong-Seok Hwang, Professor, Dept of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University
[6] Gon-Ho Kim, Professor, Dept of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University
[7] Myeun Kwon, Director-General, National Fusion Research Institute
[8] Chang Hee Nam, Director, Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science & Professor, Dept of Physics and Photon Science, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology
[9] Dongsu Ryu, Professor, Dept of Astronomy & Space Science, Chungnam National University
[10] Prof. Patrick Diamond, Director, World Class Institute, National Fusion Research Institute/ Distinguished Professor, UCSD
Indian Physics Association:
[1] Prof. Abhijit Sen, S. Chandrasekar professor, Institute for Plasma Research. Gandhinagar
[2] Prof. G Ravindra Kumar, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
[3] Prof. S. Mukherjee, Associate Dean, Institute for Plasma Research. Gandhinagar
[4] Prof. R. Ganesh, Institute for Plasma Research. Gandhinagar
[5] Prof. N. Chakrabarti, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
[6] Prof. M. Sita Janaki, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
[7] Prof. Manoranjan Khan, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
[8] Prof. K. Avinash, Delhi University, New Delhi
[9] Prof. Amita Das, Associate Dean, Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar
[10] Prof. Ashish Ganguli, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
The Physical Society located in Taipei:
[1] Prof. C.Z. Cheng, National Cheng Kung University
[2] Prof. Lin I, Academician, National Central University
[3] Prof. Kerchung Shaing, National Cheng Kung University
[4] Prof. Lin-Ni Hau, National Central University
[5] Prof. Y.R. Lin-Liu, Center for Math. and Theoretical Physics, Dep. of Physics, National Central University
Institute of Physics, Singapore:
[1] Prof Xu Shuyan, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[2] A/Prof Rajdeep Singh Rawat, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[3] A/Prof Lee Choon Keat Paul, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
[4] A/Prof Stuart Victor Springham, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The Physical Society of Hong Kong:
[1] Prof. P.K. Chu, Chair Professor of Materials Engineering, Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong
Malaysian Institute of Physics:
[1] Prof. Chiow San Wong, Plasma Technology Research Centre, Physics Department, University of Malaya.
Nepal Physical Society:
[1] Prof. Deepak P. Subedi, Associate Dean, School of Science, Katmandu University
Thai Institute of Physics:
[1] A/Prof. Thawatchai Onjun, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology
[2] A/Prof. Rattachat Mongkolnavin, Head of Physics Department, Chulalongkorn University.
Physical Society of Philippines:
[1] Prof. Henry J. Ramos, Coordinator: Plasma Physics Laboratory, National Institute of Physics, College of Science, University of the Philippines. 

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