General Incorporated Association
Division of Plasma Physics
Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies  

Young Researcher Award Winners

Young Researcher Award
Tatsuya Kobayashi
National Institute for Fusion Science

Citation: For his significant contribution in fundamental understanding of background physics of self-organized plasma structure formation through utilizing novel statistical analysis techniques.
Young Researcher Award
Ya Zhang
Wuhan University of Technology

Citation: For her outstanding contributions to understanding low-temperature plasma physics, in developing advanced models which incorporate complex physical phenomena. Her work effectively bridges the gap between plasma physics and condensed matter physics, enhancing the utility and application of plasma technologies in various scientific fields.
Young Researcher Award
Guoqian Liao
Institute of Physics, CAS

Citation: For his significant contributions to the ultra-intense laser driven terahertz radiation from plasmas, particularly the original breakthroughs in the physical mechanisms, performance metrics and fast electron diagnostics
Young Researcher Award
Xin Tao
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Citation: For his fundamental contribution to understanding frequency chirping events in Earth’s and planetary magnetospheres, illuminating the underlying processes in the framework of a unifying physics model.
Young Researcher Award
BidyaBinay Karak
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi

Citation: For his fundamental studies of the flux transport dynamo mechanism in the Sun and other stars to provide theoretical explanations for different aspects of the solar and stellar cycles.
Young Researcher Award
[Magnetic Fusion]
Wei Zhang
Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS

Citation: For his outstanding contribution to understanding the interaction between radiofrequency wave and fusion plasma, and the methods developed to improve the efficiency of radiofrequency wave heating.
Young Researcher Award
Shinya Maeyama
National Institute for Fusion Science

Citation: For his pioneering work on multi-scale gyrokinetic simulation of drift wave turbulence and transport in magnetically confined plasma, revealing cross-scale interactions of plasma turbulence and zonal flows. The achievements contributed to quantitative evaluation of the anomalous transport in fusion plasma experiments.
Main Papers:
[1] S. Maeyama, T.-H. Watanabe, M. Nakata, et al., “Multiscale turbulence simulation suggesting improvement of electron heated plasma confinement”, Nature Com. (2022).
[2] S. Maeyama, Y. Idomura, T.-H. Watanabe, et al., “Cross-Scale Interactions between Electron and Ion Scale Turbulence in a Tokamak Plasma”, PRL (2015)
Young Researcher Award
Pankaj Attri
Kyushu University

Citation: For outstanding research in low-temperature plasmas,including understanding the mechanisms of reactive species generation in the gas and liquid phases, and their applications in agriculture and medicine.
Main Papers:
[1] Pankaj Attri, K. Koga, T. Okumura and M. Shiratani, Green route for ammonium nitrate synthesis: fertilizer for plant growth enhancement. RSC Advances(2021)
[2] Pankaj Attri, Y. H. Kim, D. H. Park, et al., Generation mechanism of hydroxyl radical species and its lifetime prediction during the plasma-initiated ultraviolet (UV) photolysis. Scientific Reports (2015)
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Yang Wan
Zhengzhou University

Citation: For his significant contributions to exploring the key physics of laser-plasma ion acceleration and developing advanced diagnostics for revealing the key processes involved in laser-plasma wake-field acceleration.
Main Papers:
[1] Yang Wan, O. Seemann, S. Tata, et al., Direct observation of relativistic broken plasma waves, Nature Phys. Lett (2022)
[2] Y. Wan, I. A. Andriyash, W. Lu, et al., Effects of the Transverse Instability and Wave Breaking on the Laser-Driven Thin Foil Acceleration, PRL(2020)
Young Researcher Award
Shiyong Huang
Wuhan University

Citation: For his significant contributions to the understanding of magnetic structures and plasma waves during magnetic reconnection, the properties of plasma turbulence spanning from MHD to electron scales, and the interplay between magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence.
Main Papers:
[1] S.Y. Huang, F. Sahraoui, Z.G. Yuan, et al., Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Electron Vortex Magnetic Hole in the Turbulent Magnetosheath Plasma, APJ Lett (2017)
[2] S.Y. Huang, M. Zhou, F. Sahraoui, et al., Observations of turbulence within reconnection jet in the presence of guide field, GPG Lett(2012)
Young Researcher Award
Ting Li
National Astronomical Observatory, CAS

Citation: For her important contributions to scientific advances in the 3D evolution and triggering mechanism of solar eruptive activities, including the discovery of observational evidence for 3D reconnection models of solar flares.
Main Papers:
[1] Ting Li, J. Zhang, Quasi-periodic Slipping Magnetic Reconnection During an X-class Solar Flare Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory and Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, APJ Lett (2015)
[2] Ting Li, Y. Hou, S. Yang, et al., Magnetic Flux of Active Regions Determining the Eruptive Character of Large Solar Flares, APJ(2020)
Young Researcher Award
[Magnetic Fusion]
Rui Ding
Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS

Citation: For his outstanding contributions towards understanding of plasma-wall interaction processes via development of material erosion and migration models and dedicated experiments in various tokamaks, and effective divertor physics solutions for fusion reactors.
Main Papers:
[1] R. Ding, R.A. Pitts, D. Borodin, et al., Material migration studies with an ITER first wall panel proxy on EAST, NF(2015)
[2] R. Ding, P.C. Stangeby, D.L. Rudakov, et al., Simulation of gross and net erosion of high-Z materials in the DIII-D divertor, NF(2016)
Young Researcher Award
[Magnetic Fusion]
Xiaodi Du
General Atomics

Citation: For the discovery of the energetic particle driven resistive interchange mode and for the development of an imaging neutral particle analyzer diagnostic with unprecedented phase-space resolution
Main Papers: [1] X.D. Du, K. Toi, M. Osakabe, et al., Resistive Interchange Modes Destabilized by Helically Trapped Energetic Ions in a Helical Plasma, PRL(2015)
[2] X.D. Du, M.A. Van Zeeland, W.W. Heidbrink, D. Su, Development and verification of a novel scintillator-based, imaging neutral particle analyzer in DIII-D tokamak Nucl. Fusion(2018)
Young Researcher Award
Yohei Kawazura
Tohoku University

Citation : For his theoretical and computational contributions via gyro-kinetics and reduced magnetohydrodynamics to the understanding of turbulence in accretion flows
Young Researcher Award
Swarniv Chandra
Government General Degree College at Kushmandi

Citation : For his pioneering and excellent work in quantum plasmas and in the development of simulation techniques that are helpful in studying interactions of plasma waves and evolution of field quantities in ultrashort duration plasmas.
Young Researcher Award
Bhagirath Ghimire
University of Alabama in Huntsville

Citation : For his outstanding contributions towards understanding the mechanisms of how cold plasma devices produce therapeutically important molecules for disease treatment and in utilizing this knowledge to improve their efficiency and safety in medicine.
Young Researcher Award
[ Laser ]
Liangliang Ji

Citation : For his outstanding contributions to the laser-plasma physics at extremely high laser intensity for laser-driven particle acceleration and strong-field quantum-electrodynamics (QED) physics.
Young Researcher Award
[ Space/Geomagnetism]
Xuzhi Zhou
Peking University

Citation : For his remarkable contributions towards our understanding of the hydromagnetic wave-particle resonance in the magnetosphere, the impulsive particle acceleration in reconnection outflow flux fronts, and the cross-scale eletro-magnetic structures in space plasmas.
Young Researcher Award
[ Solar ]
Yang Guo
Nanjing University

Citation : For his significant contributions in determining the magnetic morphology and magnetic helicity of the pre-eruption structure in the solar corona
Young Researcher Award
[ Astro ]
Xue-Ning Bai
Tsinghua University

Citation : For his series of works that drive a paradigm shift in understanding the gas dynamics of weakly ionized protoplanetary disks, and for his development of the novel MHD-PIC method that enabled accurate simulations of the cosmic-ray streaming instability and first-principle characterization of the transport coefficients of low-energy cosmic-rays.
Young Researcher Award
[ Magnetic Fusion ]
Kunihiro Ogawa

Citation : For his significant contribution to development of diagnostic systems for fusion products such as neutrons and tritons, demonstration of MeV ion confinement and visualization of beam ion profiles and transport due to MHD instabilities toward understanding fusion burning plasmas.
Young Researcher Award
Hiroshi Tanabe
Citation : For his unique experimental contribution to advanced imaging diagnostics, laboratory experiments of magnetic reconnection and their applications for fusion plasma heating.
Young Researcher Award
Mingu Yoo
Citation : For his pioneering work in discovering the fundamental mechanisms of ohmic breakdown phenomena in tokamaks by considering the self-induced electric field, which has profound practical implications for the design strategy of plasma start-up scenarios for future tokamaks such as ITER and beyond.
Young Researcher Award
Sanghoo Park
Citation : For his excellent work on weakly-ionized plasma science, particularly on the basic physics of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow naturally produced in weakly-ionized collisional plasmas, and its stabilizing effect on plasma-liquid interface.
Young Researcher Award
Tong-Pu Yu
Citation : For his outstanding achievements in exploring physics in extremely intense laser-plasma interactions for novel applications e.g., brilliant X/gamma radiation, QED plasma generation, and particle acceleration.
Young Researcher Award
Meng Zhou
Citation : For his significant contribution to the understanding of the role of plasma waves in magnetic reconnection process, electron-scale physics in coalescing magnetic flux ropes, kinetic properties of dipolarization fronts, and magnetospheric substorms
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Xin Cheng
Citation : For his significant contribution to the understanding of the origin and early evolution of solar coronal mass ejections, turbulent magnetic reconnection in flaring current sheets, and space weather physics
Young Researcher Award
Siye Ding
Citation : For his fundamental contributions to the understanding and experimental development of advanced tokamak scenarios towards a steady state fusion reactor, and for elucidating, through integrated simulations, the synergism between internal transport barrier and divertor detachment in the high poloidal beta plasmas
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
  Jiansen He
Citation : For his significant contributions in observational and theoretical studies of plasma turbulence in the solar wind by investigating their wavelike nature, dissipation/heating mechanisms and cascade processes at kinetic scales.
Young Researcher Award
Yutaka Ohira
Citation : For his pioneering contributions to our understanding of collisionless shocks in partially ionized plasmas and to providing insights into the escape mechanism of cosmic rays from astrophysical accelerators.
Young Researcher Award
Su-Ming Weng
Citation : For his outstanding achievements in the field of plasma optics related to high-power laser sciences and inertial confinement fusion, and for his contributions towards plasma transport theory under extreme high field conditions.
Young Researcher Award
  Atsushi M. Ito
Citation : For his outstanding contributions towards development of novel methods for simulation studies of plasma-material interactions and in furthering our understanding of the formation mechanism of tungsten fuzzy nanostructures induced by helium plasma irradiation.
Young Researcher Award
Liang wang
Citation : For his outstanding contributions to power and particle exhaust in long pulse H-mode plasmas with ITER-like tungsten divertor, including development of advanced control schemes and discoveries on the mechanism of divertor heat flux spreading in dominant RF electron heating regimes.
Young Researcher Award
Minjun Choi
Citation : For his exceptional contributions towards the understanding of electron transport in tokamaks arising from nonlinear interactions between magnetic islands and turbulence using imaging diagnostics and big data analysis methods.
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Min Chen
Citation : For his original contributions on ionization injection and stage coupling for laser plasma wakefield acceleration towards high quality and high energy electron beams and tunable X-ray sources.
Young Researcher Award
Wei Chen
Citation : For his  outstanding  contributions to the experimental discoveries of energetic-electron-driven beta Alfv$00E9n eigenmode as well as  nonlinear interactions between toroidal Alfv$00E9n eigenmode and tearing mode in the HL-2A tokamak.
Young Researcher Award
Hui Tian
Citation : For his significant contributions to the generation and characteristics of small-scale magnetic activities,as well as their role in mass and energy transport that occurs in the magnetohydrodynamic environment of the solar atmosphere.
Young Researcher Award
Rongsheng Wang
Citation : For his outstanding contributions to the elucidation of the roles of flux ropes in energy dissipation and electron acceleration during collisionless magnetic reconnection.
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
  Zhiyong Qiu
Citation : For his fundamental contributions to the understanding of stability and radial structures of energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic modes,and nonlinear parametric interactions of zonal structures, drift wave turbulence and Alfv$00E9n eigenmodes.
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Keigo Takeda
Citation : For his outstanding contributions to understanding the physicochemical reactions of reactive and energetic species both in the gas phase and on the surface of plasma processes with nano-fabrication as well as bio-medical applications.
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
  Takanobu Amano (Space)
Citation : For his significant contributions to the simulation and theory of acceleration of non-thermal electrons in collisionless shocks in space and astrophysical plasmas.
RMPP Article
Main papers:
[1] T. Amano, M. Hoshino, A Critical Mach Number for Electron Injection in Collisionless Shocks, PRL(2010)
[2] T. Amano, M. Hoshino, Electron Injection at high Mach number quasi-perpendicular shocks: surfing and drift acceleration, APJ (2007)
Young Researcher Award
Hideyuki Hotta (Solar/Astro)
Citation : For fundamental contributions in demonstrating, via advanced high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations, the important roles played by small-scale dynamo in the generation of the global-scale solar magnetic field.
Main papers:
[1] H. Hotta, M. Rempel, and T. Yokoyama, High-resolution Calculations of the Solar Global Convection with the Reduced Speed of Sound Technique. I. The Structure of the Convection and the Magnetic Field without the Rotation, APJ(2014)
[2] H. Hotta, M. Rempel, T. Yokoyama, Large-scale magnetic fields at high Reynolds numbers in magnetohydrodynamic simulations, Science(2016)
Young Researcher Award
Yan Feng (Basic)
Citation :For seminal contributions in understanding the dynamics, transport and other properties of dusty plasmas via various experimental methods conducted in comprehensive and systematic approaches.
RMPP Article
Main papers:
[1] Yan Feng, J. Goree, Bin Liu, Observation of Temperature Peaks due to Strong Viscous Heating in a Dusty Plasma Flow, PRL(2012)
[2] Yan Feng, J. Goree, Bin Liu, Viscoelasticity of 2D Liquids Quantified in a Dusty Plasma Experiment, PRL(2010)
Young Researcher Award
Wulyu Zhong (Magnetic Fusion)
Citation : For significant scientific contributions to turbulent transport physics via a series of innovative particle and impurity transport studies in the experiments on HL-2A, Tore Supra and J-TEXT tokamaks.
RMPP Article
Main papers:
[1] W. L. Zhong, X. L. Zou, C. Bourdelle, S. D. Song, J. F. Artaud, T. Aniel, X. R. Duan, Convective Velocity Reversal Caused by Turbulence Transition in Tokamak Plasma, PRL(2013)
[2]W. L. Zhong, Y. Shen, X. L. Zou, J. M. Gao, Z. B. Shi, J. Q. Dong, X. R. Duan, M. Xu, Z. Y. Cui, Y. G. Li, X. Q. Ji, D. L. Yu, J. Cheng, G. L. Xiao, M. Jiang, Z. C. Yang, B. Y. Zhang, P.W. Shi, Z. T. Liu, X. M. Song, X. T. Ding, Yong Liu, Observation of Double Impurity Critical Gradients for Electromagnetic Turbulence Excitation in Tokamak Plasmas, PRL(2016)
Young Researcher Award
Zheng-Xiong WANG (Fundamental)
Citation : For fundamental contributions in delineating the nonlinear physics of resistive and neoclassical tearing mode instabilities and the generic mechanism of vortex flow induced stabilization of multi-scale microturbulence in tokamak plasmas.
RMPP Article
Main papers:
[1] Z. X. Wang, X. G. Wang, J. Q. Dong, Y. A. Lei, Y. X. Long, Z. Z. Mou, W. X. Qu, Fast Resistive Reconnection Regime in the Nonlinear Evolution of Double Tearing Modes, PRL(2007)
[2] Z. X. Wang, J. Q. Li, J. Q. Dong, Y. Kishimoto, Generic Mechanism of Microturbulence Suppression by Vortex Flows, PRL(2009)
Young Researcher Award
Chao Chang (Applied)
Citation : For seminal contributions to wave-plasma interaction in the areas of novel electromagnetic undulators for free electron lasers and microwave-driven window breakdown mechanisms.
Main papers:
[1] Chao Chang, Chuanxiang Tang, Juhao Wu, High-Gain Thompson-Scattering X-Ray Free-Electron Laser by Time-Synchronic Laterally Tilted OpticalWave, PRL(2013)
[2] C. Chang,? G. Z. Liu, C. X. Tang, C. H. Chen, H. Shao, W. H. Huang, Suppression of high-power microwave dielectric multipactor by resonant magnetic field, APL(2010)
Young Researcher Award
  Wei-Min Wang (Laser)
Citation : For his pioneering contributions to the novel generation and characteristics studies of tera-hertz (THz) radiation using strong interactions of one or two-color laser pulse and a target.
Main papers:
[1] W.-M. Wang, P. Gibbon, Z.-M. Sheng, Y.-T. Li, Magnetically Assisted Fast Ignition, PRL(2015)
[2] Liang-Liang Zhang, Wei-Min Wang, Tong Wu, Rui Zhang, Shi-Jing Zhang, Cun-Lin Zhang, Yan Zhang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Xi-Cheng Zhang, Observation of Terahertz Radiation via the Two-Color Laser Scheme with Uncommon Frequency Ratios, PRL(2017)
Young Researcher Award
Lu Wang
Citation : For her theoretical formulation of an origin of intrinsic flow drive based on the gyro kinetic equation and for her finding of a new "turbulent acceleration" mechanism for the flow drive.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 265006 (2013)

Young Researcher Award
Yong-Xin Liu
Citation : For his experimental study and modeling of spatiotemporal patterns of electron heating in a capacitively coupled radio-frequency plasma.
"Experimental Observation and Computational Analysis of Striations in Electronegative Capacitively Coupled Radio-Frequency Plasmas", Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 255002 (2016)

Young Researcher Award
Bin Qiao
Citation : For his significant contributions to the novel physics of laser-driven compact ion accelerators.
“Achieving Stable Radiation Pressure Acceleration of Heavy Ions via Successive Electron Replenishment from Ionization of a High-Z Material Coating” Phys. Rev. Lett.118, 204802 (2017)

Young Researcher Award
Linghua Wang
Citation : For her significant contributions to the understanding of particle acceleration and transport  at the Sun and in the heliosphere, as well as to the development of energetic particle detectors.
“A statistical study of solar electron events over one solar cycle”, The Astrophysical Journal, 759(1), 69, 2012
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Guosheng Xu
Citation : For his first observation of turbulence suppression by zonal flows, which triggers the low-to-high ( L-H ) confinement mode transition, as well as his new approach to solve the problem of edge-localized-mode ( ELM )-induced high transient heat load in tokamak.
“Low-to-High Confinement Transition Mediated by Turbulence Radial Wave Number Spectral Shift in a Fusion Plasma”, PRL 116 (2016) 095002
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Dhanya Mahalingam Balaram
Citation :For her contribution on proton entry into the near-lunar plasma wave for magnetic field aligned flow on "observations of protons in the near-lunar and deeper wake, flowing along interplanetary magnetic fields, which could originate from the tail of the solar wind velocity distribution"(S. Ichimaru)
“Proton entry into the near-lunar plasma wake for magnetic field
aligned flow”,Geophysical Research Letters 40(2013)2913
Young Researcher Award
  Kazunori Takahashi
Citation : For his outstanding and definitive contributions to the problem of helicon based prasma thruster through studies of theoretical limits of diamagnetic induced momentum in a rapidly diverging magnetic nozzle.(P.K. Kaw)
Citation : For his contribution on approaching the theoretical limit of diamagnetic-induced momentum in a rapidly diverging magnetic nozzle, on "measurements of axial momenta for a low-beta plasma injected in a rapidly diverging magnetic nozzle, demonstrating increase in the momentum as the magnetic fields inhibit the cross-field diffusion".(S. Ichimaru)
Citation : For his experimental work giving insight into the basic plasma physics associated with helicon thruster development.(D.B.Melrose)
”Approaching the Theoretical Limit of Diamagnetic-Induced Momentum in a Rapidly Diverging Magnetic Nozzle”,
PRL 110(2013)195003
RMPP Article
Young Researcher Award
Wei Lu
Citation : For his unique and highly intuitive elucidation of relativistic plasma wakefields in the blowout regime for particleacceleration.(P. K. Kaw)
“Nonlinear Theory for Relativistic Plasma Wakefields in the Blowout Regime”, PRL 96(2006)165002
Young Researcher Award
Tsuyoshi Inoue
Citation : For his contribution on the acceleration Galactic cosmic rays at shocks associated with young super nova remnants, in particular his well-cited paper.(D.B.Melrose)
“Toward Understanding the Cosmic-ray Acceleration at Young Supernova Remnants Interacting with Interstellar Clouds",
Possible Applications to RX J1713.7$22123946
The Astrophysical Journal 744(2012)71
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