AAPPS-DPP2019 APPC14 Financial Assistance Program

All participants for AAPPS-DPP 2019 and APPC14 are supposed to have ones own research fund to participate to these conferences. However, we also understand some difficulty for such as researchers in developing countries or retired persons and so on. AAPPS-DPP allocates limited funds to support small number of authors who will present their papers at the AAPPS-DPP2019 and APPC14.

Eligibility and Requirements

In order to be eligible, an applicant must satisfy the following criteria;
1. Applicant cannot apply for both conferences.                                          
           2. Applicant must participate in the conferences and be the presenter of the paper.

3. Applicant must register him/herself to the conference with the payment of the Registration Fee completed by September 1, 2019 for AAPPS-DPP2019 and by Early bird registration deadline (currently June 15 but subject to change) for APPC-14.

DPP secretary (H. Nagai) will inform decision of support / no support within a month and a half after closure of application. There will be a limit of support (hotel, air ticket), for example, hotel cost by Trivago, or air fair based on cheapest price of round ticket.
All cost has to be paid by your own.
The financial support will be reimbursed in cash in US Dollar at the conference venue.

Application procedures

1. 1. Submit an abstract to AAPPS-DPP2019 as a speaker of Invited or Plenary sessions, or as a speaker of contributed sessions. Web site for nomination to Invited or Plenary session has been open, but site for contributed sessions will be open at 1 April..
2. Download one of the two application forms on the website.  

              Application Form Download

3. Fill in the form with your signature and convert it into a PDF file.
4. Send the PDF file to aappsdpp.hp@gmail.com with the subject
  "AAPPS-DPP2019 or APPC14: Application for Support Program".
  Attach your Abstract PDF file for the conference talk simultaneously.
5. All financial assistance applications are held in strict confidence and are only viewed
 by the Financial Support Committee.


May 15, 2019 [Japan time]


The applicants to this assistance program will receive a notification in the letter of acceptance/rejection to be sent hopefully before June 1, 2019.

Applicants who are then unable to come, are asked to delete your abstracts/ registration.





  Division of Plasma Physics(AAPPS-DPP) 
 Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies
  copyright©2019 AAPPS-DPP all right reserved