S. Chandrasekhar Prize of Plasma Physics Sponsors and Contributors are shown at the bottom of this page. ![]() |
1. Foundation of S. Chandrasekhar Prize ![]() Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995) was an Indian- American astrophysicist who was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for physics for his theory of black hole. He worked in various areas including plasma physics. Plasma physics community is benefited from his works through his textbooks such as "Principles of stelar dynamics (1942)", "Plasma Physics (1975)", "Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetic stability (1981)". The Chandrasekhar Prize is awarded by the Division of Plasma Physics
of the AAPPS to recognize outstanding contributions to experimental and/or
theoretical research in fundamental plasma physics and plasma applications
in all fields of physics. i) Rule: This Prize will be given to an AAPPS-DPP member who has made seminal
/ pioneering contribution to any field of plasma physics or plasma applications
as stated above. 3. Call for Sponsorship and Contribution Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) seeks the official sponsorship by any
organizations and personal contributions in support of above prospectus.
Contribution will be used for DPP operation and awards. Official sponsorship
by the organization will be recorded in the diploma of DPP Awards and the
home page. Official sponsorship shall be one or more units in the US $
5, 000. You may visit AAPPS-DPP HP at http://aappsdpp.org/AAPPSDPPF/index.html. 4. Nomination guideline
Any DPP members (not a member of the committee making the selection) may submit one nomination or seconding letter for the prize in any given year. A nomination
should include: A letter evaluating the nominee's qualifications in the light of the particular features of the prize and identifying the specific work to be recognized.
Nomination statement shall include:
1. Name of nominee (only one person)
2. Citation
3. Description of scientific accompolishments
4. CV of the nominee
5. Selected most important publications on the citation with some information
on published journal’s impact factor, number of citations (WoS).
6. Seconding letters from four leading plasma physicists each letter less
than 3 pages
7. Commitment letter by the nominee to be able to participate APPC and
to write a review article to the DPP journal and the title of the
DPP shall not give more than once of this prize to the same recipient.
The names of the Prize Selection committee will be posted on the DPP
homepage only after its
decision. The nomination statement shall be sent to the DPP chair electronically.
5. Background:
In 2014, March 20 : AAPPS-DPP ExCo started discussion of plasma physics award.
April 17 : ExCo concluded draft proposal of S. Chandrasekhar Prize
April 17 : DPP chair sent draft proposal to I-HAC members.
May 8 : I-HAC chair Predhiman Kaw reported the consensus recommendation
on the foundation of
S. Chandrasekhar Prize. July 29 : DPP ExCo agreed draft agreement to grant co-sponsorship of 2014 S. Chandrasekhar Prize
to Southwestern Institute of Physics in China. July 30 : Announcement of S. Chandrasekhar Prize launched.
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