Abstract Submission 

Process of abstract submission is divided into the following three steps. 

1st Step: Nomination of plenary and invited papers

Period:  January 10 to February 28
           1st Step has been over.

All the AAPPS-DPP and endorsed society members can nominate candidates of plenary and invited presentations during this period.
After discussion and selection in Program Committees, notification of plenary and invited speakers will be done in mid April.                     

2nd Step: Submission of Abstracts for contributed presentation
      from April 1 to June 15

            2nd Step has been over 
              We are now on 3rd Step  
3rd Step: Submission of Abstracts for plenary and invited presentation  
Notification of plenary and invited speakers has been done.
Those who receive the notification are asked to visit the following site
https://www.gakkai-web.net/p/aappsdpp/fup2.php and to submit abstract.

We also opened Post Deadline submission site as follows
It will close Sept. 20. All PD will be poster.

Poster size   A0:841㎜×1189㎜  


  Division of Plasma Physics(AAPPS-DPP) 
 Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies
  copyright©2018 AAPPS-DPP all right reserved