Plenary Speakers |
Toshiki Tajima
University of California at Irvine
2018 S. Chandrasekhar Prize Laureate |
Steven Tobias
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds
“Flux expulsion and Dynamos “
Shigeo Yoden
Graduate school of science, Kyoto University
“Hierarchy of numerical model simulations on
the equatorial QBO-like oscillations in the stratosphere-troposphere coupled
Chijie Xiao
Peking University
“Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection: laboratory experiments and in
situ measurements in the magnetosphere”
Daniel Lathrop
Department of physics, University of Maryland "Reconnection and helicity of vortices in quantum fluids and the plasma connection”
Michio Yamada
Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto University
“Zonal Flows in Rotating Fluids: phenomenological
interest and theoretical problems”
Fulvio Zonca
ENEA & Visiting Professor, Zhejiang University
“On the nonlinear dynamics of phase space zonal structure” |
Katsumi Ida
National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)
“Bifurcation phenomena in magnetic confinement”
Yi-Kang Pu
Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University
“The influence of electrode surface condition on the discharge properties
in a capacitively coupled plasma”
A.A. Mamun
Department of physics, Jahangirnagar University
“Solitary and Shock Waves in Dusty Plasmas, and some open issues”
Yasushi Todo
National Institute of Fusion Science, NINS
"Energetic particle physics in fusion plasmas through computer simulation"
Kwo Ray Chu
National Taiwan University
“A study of inherent causes for non-uniform microwave heating” |
Chao Chang
Xi’an Jiaotong University
“Nanosecond Intense Microwave Plasma and Electromagnetic Undulator for
FEL” |
Masaru Hori
Department of Electronic and Electric Engineering, Nagoya University
“Challenge to the systematization of the biological interaction by plasmas” |
Ken Ostrikov
Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology
“Shrinking the plasma: why not use pores?” |
Ho Jun Kim
Dong-A. University/SAMSUNG Electronics Co.,Ltd.
"Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Fabrication System"
Ryosuke Kodama
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
“High Energy Density science
with high power lasers in Japan”
G. Ravindra Kumar
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
“Relativistic electron physics in ultrahigh intensity laser plasma interactions” |
Bjorn Manuel Hegelich
Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science
“Relativistic Quantum Photonics – fundamental science
and applied engineering with ultrahigh intensity lasers”
Xian-Tu He
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
“Design and experimental progress of hybrid- drive ICF ignition on SG-III
laser facility”
Yusuke Ebihara
RISH, Kyoto University
"Energy transfer from solar wind to ionosphere: Global MHD simulation
Gurudas Ganguli
Naval Research Laboratory
“Use of Laboratory Experiments to Understand Space Phenomena”
Daniel Baker
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado
“Overview of interaction of particles and waves in magnetosphere by observations
and simulations”
Fouad Sahraoui
University Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC)
“Kinetic scale turbulence in space plasmas”
Kazuo Makishima
The University of Tokyo
“Physics of the largest-scale hot plasmas in the Universe” |
Xuening Bai
Institute for advanced study, Tsinghua University
“ Gas Dynamics of Weakly Ionized Protoplanetary Disks and Implications
for Planet Formation” |
Masahiro Hoshino
The University of Tokyo
“Particle acceleration in plasma universe”
Peter H. Yoon
University of Maryland
“Dynamic role of kinetic plasma processes in the solar wind”
Yunfeng Liang
Institute of plasma physics, CAS
“Control of Edge-Localized Mode in Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas” |
Yong Kyoon In
National Fusion Research Institute(NFRI)
“Critically resolved non-axisymmetric field physics in KSTAR”
Wulyu Zhong
Southwestern Institute of Physics
“On turbulence and multi-scale interactions in low and high confinement
plasmas of the HL-2A tokamak”
Tonny Donne
“Strategy and challenges of the revised European Fusion Roadmap” |
Naoyuki Oyama
“Progress in preparing research plan and construction of JT-60SA”
Patrick H. Diamond
of cross-disciplinary session”
Guo Yong Fu
Zhejiang University
“Summary of Fundamental plasma session”
Yasuaki Kishimoto
Kyoto University
“Summary of Basic plasma session”
Jung-Sik Yoon
“Summary of Applied plasma session” |
Amita Das
“Summary of Laser plasma session |
Xiaohua Deng
Nanchang University
“Summary of Space/Geomagnetism plasma session”
Ryoji Matsumoto
Chiba University
of Solar/Astro plasma session”
Xuru Duan
“Summary of Magnetic
Fusion plasma session” |