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AAPPS-DPP2021 as on-line Conference 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics 26. September - 1, October, 2021 |
Poster Session |
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Code | Presenter | Title | |
1 | F-P1 | Ryo Shigesada Hiroshima University |
Radiation Trapping of He Ⅰ Resonance Line in Helium Arc Jet Plasmas |
2 | F-P2 | Toru Tsujimura National Institute for Fusion Science |
Propagation properties of an optical vortex in an electron cyclotron range of frequencies in magnetized plasmas |
3 | F-P3 | Rupak Mukherjee Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Adiabatic Ott-Antonsen theory for amplitude mediated metastable systems |
4 | F-P4 | Moe Akimitsu The University of Tokyo |
5 | F-P5 | MD ANWARUL ISLAM Hiroshima University |
Evaluation of Optical Thickness in He Cascade Arc Plasmas Using VUV Emission Spectroscopy |
6 | F-P6 | Min Sang Cho Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Analysis on the FLYCHK Opacity of Plasmas in a Broad Range of Temperature and Density |
7 | B-P1 | Ayan Adhikari Institute for Plasma Research |
Evolution of Plasma in the Influence of Varying Ratio of Transverse to Ambient Magnetic Field of LVPD-Upgrade |
8 | B-P2 | Swati Institute for Plasma Research |
Plasma characteristics of partially magnetized cylindrical CCRF discharge |
9 | B-P3 | Pawandeep Singh Institute for Plasma Research |
Plasma potential dependence on local density and temperature across the magnetic field in a CCRF discharge |
10 | B-P4 | Kohei Abe Kyushu University |
Suppression of nanoparticle growth in TEOS plasma by amplitude modulation discharge method |
11 | B-P6 |
Haruka Yamaguchi The University of Tokyo |
Development of single-filter polychromator for cost-effective Thomson scattering system |
12 | B-P7 | Snehlata Aggarwal Institute for plasma research |
Time-of-flight low-energy analyzer for Aditya-U Tokamak |
13 | B-P8 | Sachin Kaothekar Department of Physics, PITS Ujjain |
Self-gravitational Instability of Dusty Plasma with Radiative Cooling Functions and Dust charge Fluctuation with Dust Temperature |
14 | B-P9 | Pinak Mandal student |
Study of electron acoustic shock fronts and solitary profiles in a semi-classical Plasma |
15 | B-P10 | Jitendra Kumar Chawla jkc Government College Tonk, Rajasthan |
Ion-acoustic waves in unmagnetised plasmas with positrons and hot and cold superthermal electrons |
16 | B-P11 | Prakash Chand Singhadiya pcs Government College Kaladera |
Effect of nonthermal electrons and negative ions on ion-acoustic compressive and rarefactive double layers in magnetized plasma |
17 | B-P12 | Suredra Kumar Jain skj Government College Dholpur |
Ion-acoustic double layers in magnetized plasmas with superthermal electrons and positrons |
18 | B-P13 | kishan Kumar kumar University of Rajasthan |
Large amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in degenerate relativistic quantum plasmas with warm and cold ions |
19 | B-P14 | Lei Chang Institute of Plasma Phyiscs, HFIPS |
Concept of SUb-atmospheric Radio-frequency Engine (SURE) for Near-Space Environment |
20 | A-P1 | Kazuho Hatta Hiroshima University |
High-Density Sheet Plasma for Versatile Applications of Plasma Window |
21 | A-P2 | Rikizo Hatakeyama Tohoku University |
Significant Superiority of Plasma CVD in Cloning Growth of Carbon Nanotubes |
22 | A-P3 | Deepika Behmani Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Investigation on spatial asymmetry and fluctuations in electric field inside a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet |
23 | A-P4 | Ohsji Yanagi Hiroshima University |
Significant high-viscous Ar plasma generation for application of electron beam welding in atmosphere |
24 | A-P5 | Kalyani Barmani Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Effect of Transverse Magnetic field on Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet: Experimental and Modeling Results |
25 | A-P6 | Yuta Sanada Hiroshima University |
Miniaturization for practical application of plasma window |
26 | A-P7 | Masato Sumino Hiroshima University |
Stationary He arc discharge apparatus using an indirectly heated LaB6 hollow cathode electron emitter |
27 | A-P8 | Shabbir Ahmad Khan National Centre for Physics, Islamabad |
Full wave analysis of THz wave propagation and realization of a novel robotic-THz imaging system for arbitrary shaped materials |
28 | A-P9 | Veda Prakas G Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Experimental studies on cold atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet as a tool for antibacterial activity |
29 | A-P10 | Tomohiro Ogasawara Nagoya University |
Large-Area Ashing Treatment of Polyimide Film by Atmospheric-pressure Pulsed Microwave Line Plasma with Ar/O2 |
30 | A-P11 | Gi-ichiro Uchida Meijo University |
Fabrication of nanostructured Ge films by He plasma sputtering |
31 | A-P12 | Hong Chun Lee University of Malaysia |
Evaluating the Performance of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster Discharged at Low Energies |
32 | A-P13 | Hiral B. Joshi Institute for Plasma Research |
Radar cross-section reduction of a metallic target using plasma-based microwave absorber |
33 | L-P1 | Hikari Ohiro Hiroshima University |
Construction of a magnetic bottle electron spectrometer for electron energy measurement in x-ray and gas interaction |
34 | L-P2 | Jiahao Wang Hiroshima University |
Measurement of soft X-ray emission from laser-irradiated gold foils |
35 | L-P3 | Tatiana Pikuz Osaka University |
Observation of induced transparency in relativistic laser-produced plasma created by two-side solid target irradiation |
36 | L-P4 | Swastik Ballav Integrated student of Indian Institute of Technology |
Collision of Acoustic Multi-Soliton and Soliton-Breather in Magnetized Dusty Plasma |
37 | L-P5 | Sachin Chintalwadi Indian institute of technology hyderabad |
photon energy inhsn |
38 | L-P6 | Hyung Seon Song UNIST |
Novel optical media with adjustable spectra and polarization based on the magnetized plasma dipole oscillation |
39 | L-P7 | Santhosh Krishnamurthy Indian Institute of Technology |
Two bunch proton acceleration from intense laser solid interaction |
40 | L-P8 | Sachin Chintalwad Indian Institue of Technology Hyderabad |
Photon emission enhancement studies from the interaction of ultra-intense laser pulse with shaped targets. |
Quantum radiation reaction in strong laser plasma interaction |
42 | L-P10 | Oriza Kamboj Lovely Professional University |
Suppression of stimulated forward Raman scattering by static density fluctuations in the presence of magnetic field in ICF scheme |
43 | SG-P1 | Rupinder Kaur Guru Nanak Dev University |
Effect of ion beam on evolution of ion acoustic nonlinear structures in a weakly relativistic magnetized plasma |
44 | SG-P2 | Zeyu An University of Science and Technology of China |
Properties of Chorus Waves Could Suppress Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions |
45 | SG-P3 | Yin Liu kyoto University |
Electromagnetic particle simulation of whistler-mode hiss emissions in the Earth's plasmasphere |
46 | SG-P4 | Suman Dey Visva-Bharati University |
Unveiling a Cosmic Enigma from Recent Detection: Coherent Radio Emission Mechanisms from Relativistic Plasma and Electrodynamics of Neutron Star |
47 | SA-P1 | Suniti Saharan Doon University |
Low ionosphere response to the solar flares occurred during the peak of solar cycle 24 |
48 | SA-P2 | Taichi Igarashi Chiba University |
Oscillations of the Soft X-ray Emitting Region of AGN Accretion Disks. |
49 | SA-P3 |
Interaction between ion acoustic solitons in a quantum plasma with degenerate spin up and down electrons |
Role of Higher Order Effects on Kinetic Alfvén Solitary Waves |
51 | MF-P1 | Rivas Reguera Jose Carlos Seoul National University |
A combined 0D-1.5D approach for efficient prediction of K-DEMO plasma scenarios |
52 | MF-P2 | Sharvil Patel Pandit Deendayal Energy University |
Study of sawtooth induced heat pulse propagation in ADITYA tokamak |
53 | MF-P3 | Shizhao Wei Zhejiang University |
Nonlinear reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode saturation due to spontaneous zonal current generation |
54 | MF-P4 | Feiyue Mao Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
The research of plasma response to RMP on J-TEXT |
55 | MF-P5 | Jingchun Li Sustech |
Gyrokinetic simulations of double tearing modes in toroidal plasma |
56 | MF-P6 Cancelled |
Shuanghui Hu Guizhou University |
Alfvén Activities Kinetically Excited in Burning Plasmas |
57 | MF-P7 | Takeru Inoue Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Finite element analysis of support structures attached to RELAX machine for producing not only reversed field pinch but also tokamak |
58 | MF-P8 | Haijun Ren University of Science and Technology of China |
The global geodesic acoustic mode in the ideal magnetohydrodynamics |
59 | MF-P9 | Yusai Masamoto Tottori University |
Optimization of density and temperature profiles with internal transport barrier for tokamak DEMO reactor including ion diamagnetic drift effects |
60 | MF-P10 | Stanley Kaye Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
The NSTX-U Research Program |
61 | MF-P11 | Zhengkang Ren Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Optimization of RMP Spectrum on J-TEXT |
62 | MF-P12 | Donguk Kim KAIST |
Uncertainty Quantification for gyrokinetic validation study in KSTAR |
63 | MF-P13 | Shota Ito The University of Tokyo |
2D MHD simulation of ST formation and merging for maximization of reconnection heating energy |
64 | MF-P14 | Suman Dolui Institute for plasma research |
Interaction of power supply generated 10 kHz frequency with the drift tearing mode |
65 | MF-P15 | Nandini Yadava Nirma University |
Global Particle Balance and Recycling Properties in Aditya-U Tokamak Plasmas |
66 | MF-P16 | Ting Wu Southwestern Institute of Physics |
Impurity transport and turbulent transport under detachment with closed divertor on HL-2A |
67 | MF-P17 | Shrish Raj Institute for Plasma Research |
Effect of 'g' on impurity ion dynamics in tokamak plasma |
68 | MF-P18 | Vijay Shankar Institute for plasma Research |
Simulation of electrode biasing in the edge and scrape-off layer regions of a Tokamak |
69 | MF-P19 | Feng-Jen Chang University of California San Diegos |
Rough-surface effect on sputtering of Cr bombarded by low-energy He plasma |
70 | MF-P20 | Kaushlender Singh Institute For Plasma Research |
Gas Puff Induced Variations of Poloidal Electric Field in Edge Plasma of ADITYA-U Tokamak |
71 | MF-P21 | Ookjoo Ra Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
Noticeable reduction of heat on the SAS-like divertors in large scale Tokamaks |
72 | MF-P22 Cancelled |
Nilam Ramaiya Institute for Plasma Research |
Near-infrared spectroscopic system on ADITYA-U tokamak |
73 | MF-P23 | Changrae Seon Korea Institute of Fusion Energy |
Design status of ITER VUV spectrometer development and the prototype R&D in KSTAR tokamak |
74 | CD-P1 | Tara Ahmadi The University of Tokyo |
2D Hall-MHD investigation of spherical tokamak formation and merging by using the induction of a pair of internal PF coils |
Division of Plasma Physics(AAPPS-DPP) Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies |
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