We have following AAPPS-DPP prizes and awards in 2021.
1. 2021 S. Chandrasekhar Prize of Plasma Physics:
Taik Soo Hahm
For his outstanding contribution to the understanding of turbulence
and confinement physics in tokamak plasmas, i.e., notably, flow shearing
effects and non-local transport processes, as well as to the pioneering
development of modern nonlinear gyrokinetic theories
Press Release(Jp) Press Release(Kr) Press Release(En)
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2. 2021 AAPPS-DPP Plasma Innovation Prize
Anthony (Tony) Bruce Murphy
For his outstanding contributions to research and development in
computational modelling of thermal plasmas, in particular, for critical
contributions to the world’s first commercial plasma waste treatment
process - PLASCON; for development of arc welding software
– ArcWeld - that has been transferred to automotive and rail
manufacturers; and for calculation of thermophysical properties,
including a new treatment of diffusion, of thermal plasmas that
have been adopted internationally in computational models of industrial
plasma processes.
Certificate Press Release(Jp) Press Release(En)
3. 2021 AAPPS-DPP Young Researcher Award (U40)
Press Release(Jp) Press Release(En)
Selection committee:
Chairman: Prof. Taik Soo
Hahm (Seoul National University)
Members: Prof. Yasuhiko Sentoku(Osaka
Prof. Fred Skiff (University of
Prof. Hartmut
Zohm (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
Prof. Jiajun Shi (Donghua University)
Prof. Gurbax
Lakhina (Indian Institute of Geomagnetism) |
Hiroshi Tanabe |
his unique experimental contribution to advanced imaging diagnostics,
laboratory experiments of magnetic reconnection and their applications for
fusion plasma heating. |
Mingu Yoo |
his pioneering work in discovering the fundamental mechanisms of ohmic
breakdown phenomena in tokamaks by considering the self-induced electric field,
which has profound practical implications for the design strategy of plasma
start-up scenarios for future tokamaks such as ITER and beyond.
Sanghoo Park |
For his excellent work on weakly-ionized plasma science, particularly on
the basic physics of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow naturally produced
in weakly-ionized collisional plasmas, and its stabilizing effect on plasma-liquid
interface. |
Tong-Pu Yu |
his outstanding achievements in exploring physics in extremely intense
laser-plasma interactions for novel applications e.g., brilliant X/gamma
radiation, QED plasma generation, and particle acceleration.
Meng Zhou |
his significant contribution to the understanding of the role of plasma waves
in magnetic reconnection process, electron-scale physics in coalescing magnetic
flux ropes, kinetic properties of dipolarization fronts, and magnetospheric
Xin Cheng |
his significant contribution to the understanding of the origin and early
evolution of solar coronal mass ejections, turbulent magnetic reconnection in
flaring current sheets, and space weather physics
Siye Ding |
For his fundamental contributions to the understanding and experimental
development of advanced tokamak scenarios towards a steady state fusion
reactor, and for elucidating, through integrated simulations, the synergism
between internal transport barrier and divertor detachment in the high
poloidal beta plasmas |
5. AAPPS-DPP 2021 Poster Prize:
Selection committee chair: Abhijit Sen
Swati Dahiya
B-P2 |
Plasma characteristics of partially magnetized cylindrical CCRF discharge |
Kalyani Barmani
A-P5 |
Effect of Transverse Magnetic field on Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet: Experimental
and Modeling Results |
M. Sumino
A-P7 |
Stationary He arc discharge apparatus using an indirectly heated LaB6 hollow
cathode electron emitter |
Tatiana Pikuz
L-P3 |
Observation of induced transparency in relativistic laser-produced plasma created by
two-side solid target irradiation |
Shrish Raj
MF-P17 |
Effect of 'g' on impurity ion dynamics in tokamak plasma |
F.J. Chang
MF-P19 |
Rough-surface effect on sputtering of Cr bombarded by low-energy He plasma |
F.Y. Mao
MF-P4 |
The research of plasma response to RMP on J-TEXT |
Min Sang Cho
F-P6 |
Analysis on the FLYCHK Opacity of Plasmas
in a Broad Range of Temperature and Density |
Yin Liu
SG-P3 |
Electromagnetic particle simulation of whistler-mode hiss
emissions in the Earth's plasmasphere |