Satellite Meetings
1. Mini Workshop for Women in Plasma Physics (WIPP)
A Mini Workshop for Women in Plasma Physics (WIPP) will be held as part of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies - Division of Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP) international conference at Port Messe Nagoya, Japan on Monday 13th of November 2023.
Women are excellent contributors to diverse fields of Plasma Physics, but they often face different challenges. The Mini-Workshop WIPP-AAPPS-DPP provides a platform for women scientists to discuss and share their journey. The workshop aims to understand the issues that women scientists and researchers face while pursuing their careers. It will discuss women's obstacles and problems, how they are overcome, and what can be done to motivate their participation in research, conferences, and workshops.
The workshop is open to everyone, but we encourage women participants of AAPPS-DPP to actively contribute as presenters/speakers or discussion participants. It will be a great networking event. Please submit your interest here:
Click Link
Date and Time: Monday 13th November 2023, Time 19:00-21:00
7 pm: Welcome & Introduction by Dr Anne Mai-Prochnow, WIPP Committee Chairperson: Overall scenario related to women in plasma physics (or in research) based on current statistics/reports, etc.:
Presentation file of Dr.Mai-Prochnow
7.15 pm: Prof. Setsuko Tajima, Vice Chair of AAPPS working group for Women In Physics (WIP): "The current status of AAPPS Working Group of Women in Physics".
Presentation file of Prof. Tajima
7.30 pm: Dr Mamiko Sasao , Doshisa University, Japan: "Physics education and unconscious gender bias"
Presentation file of Prof. Dr. Sasao
7.45 pm: Dr Daniela Grasso, CNR Institute for Complex Systems and Politecnico di Torino, Italy: "Is it possible to organize a gender balanced conference?"
Presentation file of Dr. Grasso
8.00 pm: Prof. Anisa Qamar, Uni. of Peshawar, Pakistan: "Problems of Pakistani women to adopt physics as a career"
Presentation file of Prof. Qamar
8.15 pm: Dr Weixin Guo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China: Be brave enough to pursue your dreams---The growth experience of scientific researcher in universities
Presentation file of Dr. Guo
8.30 pm: Open Discussion led by WIPP committee member. Concluding remarks and Vote of Thanks by WIPP Committee member
First WIPP WS Report in AAPPS-DPP2023
WS Chair Dr Anne Mai-Prochnow' Welcome & Introduction Group Photo of Women Participants in AAPPS-DPP2023
Organizer's name: YutoKatoh (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
Preferred date and time: November 12 (Sun) 14:00-17:00
Number of participants: <50
Purpose: This workshop aims to understand similarities/differences of (i) wave-particle interactions occurring in space and laboratory plasmas (WPIs), (ii) particle acceleration/heating in plasmas through WPIs, and (iii) artificial control method of WPIs. The latest issues related to WPIs in space and laboratory plasmas will be shared through oral presentations (given by invited speakers) and discussions with workshop participants.
14:05-14:55:Keynote talk (30 min talk + discussion)
Speaker: Prof. Yoshiharu Omura (RISH, Kyoto University)
Title: Relativistic Electron Precipitation by EMIC Waves
14:55-15:45 Keynote talk (30 min talk + discussion)
Speaker: Prof. William Heidbrink (University of California, Irvine)
Title: Whistler-mode waves driven by runaway electrons
15:45-15:55 break
15:55-16:45: Keynote talk (30 min talk + discussion)
Speaker: Prof. Yasushi Todo (NIFS)
Title: Interaction between energetic particles and Alfven eigenmodes in magnetically confined plasmas
16:45-17:00: Summary
- Introduction to the project PCUBE (Probing, controlling, and understanding of radiation belt environments)
- Discussion for probing, controlling, and understanding wave-particle interactions in space and laboratory plasmas
Venue: Main Hall, Port Messe Nagoya
Background and Purpose:
Fusion energy start-ups have been emerging rapidly worldwide in recent years. These companies, including yours, are setting the stage for fusion power generation, possibly as early as the late 2020s or 2030. However, there needs to be more opportunities for fusion start-ups worldwide to discuss the industrialization of fusion as an energy source.
In this session, their respective fusion reactor development plans will be discussed. Researchers, engineers, or managers from some fusion start-ups will join the session as panelists. The discussion will significantly benefit research institutions, academia, and companies in improving their R&D plans.
Key points of discussion include:
1. How to monetize fusion power generation?
2. What impact could your company's fusion power plant, once demonstrated or realized, have on global energy issues?
3. Are there alternatives (plan B) to your ambitious development plans?
Each company will have a 10-minute presentation. In the remaining time, a panel discussion will follow the presentations and involve a 20-minute dialogue with the audience.

Date and Time: Monday 13th November 2023, Time 19:00-21:00
7 pm: Welcome & Introduction by Dr Anne Mai-Prochnow, WIPP Committee Chairperson: Overall scenario related to women in plasma physics (or in research) based on current statistics/reports, etc.:
Presentation file of Dr.Mai-Prochnow
7.15 pm: Prof. Setsuko Tajima, Vice Chair of AAPPS working group for Women In Physics (WIP): "The current status of AAPPS Working Group of Women in Physics".
Presentation file of Prof. Tajima
7.30 pm: Dr Mamiko Sasao , Doshisa University, Japan: "Physics education and unconscious gender bias"
Presentation file of Prof. Dr. Sasao
7.45 pm: Dr Daniela Grasso, CNR Institute for Complex Systems and Politecnico di Torino, Italy: "Is it possible to organize a gender balanced conference?"
Presentation file of Dr. Grasso
8.00 pm: Prof. Anisa Qamar, Uni. of Peshawar, Pakistan: "Problems of Pakistani women to adopt physics as a career"
Presentation file of Prof. Qamar
8.15 pm: Dr Weixin Guo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China: Be brave enough to pursue your dreams---The growth experience of scientific researcher in universities
Presentation file of Dr. Guo
8.30 pm: Open Discussion led by WIPP committee member. Concluding remarks and Vote of Thanks by WIPP Committee member
First WIPP WS Report in AAPPS-DPP2023
WS Chair Dr Anne Mai-Prochnow' Welcome & Introduction Group Photo of Women Participants in AAPPS-DPP2023

2. Mini-workshop on probing, controlling, and understanding wave-particle interactions in space and laboratory plasmas
Organizer's name: YutoKatoh (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
Preferred date and time: November 12 (Sun) 14:00-17:00
Number of participants: <50
Purpose: This workshop aims to understand similarities/differences of (i) wave-particle interactions occurring in space and laboratory plasmas (WPIs), (ii) particle acceleration/heating in plasmas through WPIs, and (iii) artificial control method of WPIs. The latest issues related to WPIs in space and laboratory plasmas will be shared through oral presentations (given by invited speakers) and discussions with workshop participants.
14:05-14:55:Keynote talk (30 min talk + discussion)
Speaker: Prof. Yoshiharu Omura (RISH, Kyoto University)
Title: Relativistic Electron Precipitation by EMIC Waves
14:55-15:45 Keynote talk (30 min talk + discussion)
Speaker: Prof. William Heidbrink (University of California, Irvine)
Title: Whistler-mode waves driven by runaway electrons
15:45-15:55 break
15:55-16:45: Keynote talk (30 min talk + discussion)
Speaker: Prof. Yasushi Todo (NIFS)
Title: Interaction between energetic particles and Alfven eigenmodes in magnetically confined plasmas
16:45-17:00: Summary
- Introduction to the project PCUBE (Probing, controlling, and understanding of radiation belt environments)
- Discussion for probing, controlling, and understanding wave-particle interactions in space and laboratory plasmas
3. Fusion Private Sector Session
Date: Monday, November 13, from 19:00 to 21:00Venue: Main Hall, Port Messe Nagoya
Background and Purpose:
Fusion energy start-ups have been emerging rapidly worldwide in recent years. These companies, including yours, are setting the stage for fusion power generation, possibly as early as the late 2020s or 2030. However, there needs to be more opportunities for fusion start-ups worldwide to discuss the industrialization of fusion as an energy source.
In this session, their respective fusion reactor development plans will be discussed. Researchers, engineers, or managers from some fusion start-ups will join the session as panelists. The discussion will significantly benefit research institutions, academia, and companies in improving their R&D plans.
Key points of discussion include:
1. How to monetize fusion power generation?
2. What impact could your company's fusion power plant, once demonstrated or realized, have on global energy issues?
3. Are there alternatives (plan B) to your ambitious development plans?
Each company will have a 10-minute presentation. In the remaining time, a panel discussion will follow the presentations and involve a 20-minute dialogue with the audience.
Program Time Affiliation Presenter Title
19:00-19:05 Helical Fusion Takuya Goto Opening remarks
19:05-19:15 Kobe University Hiroyuki Ozaki A brief review on the fusion power industry - Short presentations on the big pictures of the individual companies - 19:15-19:27 Helical Fusion Junichi Miyazawa 19:27-19:39 Tokamak Energy Mikhail Gryaznevich 19:39-19:51 Ex-Fusion Kazuki Matsuo 19:51-20:03 Kyoto Fusioneering Andy Ballard 20:03-20:15 ENN Science and Technology Development Martin Peng 20:15-21:00 Kobe University Hiroyuki Ozaki (facilitator) Panel discussion
(Including a 20-minute dialogue with the audience.)

4. Japan-Korea Informal Meetings

4.1 Japan-Korea Informal Meeting on Laser Fusion Energy Research and Development
Date: Monday, November 13, from 19:00 to 21:00
Venue: Main Hall, Port Messe Nagoya
Date: 12:00-14:00 14th November 2023
Place: room6-2, Port Messe Nagoya (AAPPS-DPP Conference site)
Session chair: H. Nagatomo
1. Opening remarks (10 min)
Prof. K. Mima
2. Laser development at ILE (15 min)
Prof. A. Yogo
3. Laser plasma experiment and laser development in Korea (25 min)
Prof. H.T. Kim
4. Laser plasma experiment at ILE (15 min)
Prof. S. Fujioka
5. Laser plasma theory and simulations in Korea (20 min)
Prof. M.S. Hur
6. Laser plasma theory and simulations at ILE (15 min)
Prof. H. Nagatomo
7. Discussion (20 min)
4.2 Japan-Korea Lunch meeting on IFE R&D
Date: 11am-1pm, 15th November, 2023
Place: room6-2, Port Messe Nagoya (AAPPS-DPP Conference site)
11:00-12:00: Opening
Table speech: Prof. Ryosuke Kodama (Institute of laser Engineering, Osaka Univ., Japan),
Prof. Hyung Taek Kim (Research Center for Plasma Applications with Ultra-intense Lasers, Gist, Korea)
Dr. Kazuki Matsuo (EX-Fusion, Japan)
Free discussions on possible collaboration
12:00-13:00:Lunch and Free discussions